How to Promote your Business with Hashtags

If you have used social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc then you must have been familiar with hashtags(#). Though used by all of us, only a few know the exact way of using them. Do you know using trending Hashtags effectively can help your business grow tremendously? Well, if not then don’t worry. In this article, we are discussing everything about Hashtags that you must know to help your business reach a peak. Looking Back At History Hashtags were used for the very first time on Internet Relay Chat (IRC), which later continued on twitter chat. IRC is nothing but an earlier version or precursor of a social site just like we use in today’s time. Nowadays, Hashtags for digital marketing are very popular on twitter. Almost every day some of the other twitter trends are being created. If you observe the way Hashtags are used in these chats, you can easily demystify how marketers create and use them to set a new trend. A Single Wo...